Wednesday, January 26, 2011

What a cutie! Danielle Lloyd's baby Archie is as good as gold as she gets her hair done


And baby came too: Little Archie looked fascinated as Danielle Lloyd paid a visit to Inanch hairdressers on Great Portland Street

Some celebrities would leave their little ones at home while they opt for a spot of pampering - but not Danielle Lloyd.

The 27-year-old mother of one clearly didn't want baby Archie to miss out on the fun when she went to the hairdressers on Wednesday.

And so she took the six-month-old along to Inanch in Great Portland Street, where she had hair extensions put in.

Baby Archie appeared to behave beautifully while he was inside the salon, spending most of the time sat on his mother's lap being cuddled as stylists worked on her hair.

Dressed in a white vest and jeans while he was inside, and sucking on a dummy which read 'chicks dig me', he also appeared fascinated by the hair samples on display.

And Danielle - who was wearing a cream top, matching jacket and jeans - appeared transformed as she left the salon with her new longer hair on display.

Mother love: Danielle could not stop kissing and cuddling baby Archie as she had hair extensions put in

Playtime: Archie had a good look round while Danielle had her hair done and at one point seemed keen on exploring the products in the hair salon

Since having Archie the model - who spoke publicly last month about her battle against post-natal depression - has taken to dressing down and going make-up free.

However the extensions added a touch of glamour to her casual look.

And she was clearly excited at the thought of a spot of pampering, taking to Twitter to tell her followers what her plans were, and revealing what she and her partner Jamie O'Hara were up to later on.

'Getting my extensions put in again today by inanchlondon then off Bowling with @mrjamieohara & Family tonight can't wait X,' she said on her page.

All done: The model had noticeably longer hair when she left the salon pushing Archie's pram

However there was no indication as to whether Archie would be joining them - despite Danielle saying in the past that she wanted to take her son to as many places as possible.

source :dailymail

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